MudBox: Introduction - Layers: Working with Sculpt Layers


Un-tick Creases and Hard Edges on Subdivision Options 

Hot-key (Shift D) on Helmet only 

(Shift D) on Both 

Turn off Everything on Subdivision Options (Accept Preserve UV border and Smooth Position)

Working With Sculpt Layers: Locked Layers

Layer Edit: New Layer and Layer Number Edit 

Editing on Two Separate Layers

I have started on the Linkdn Learning tutorials for Mudbox and so far I think its going well, although I am struggling to adjust to the software (despite the fact I have my hotkeys set to Maya preferences). I think I am getting the hang of at this point, the layers and the number association with the editing of the model, however I am on a laptop, so cannot switch between the layers as easily, so am having to do it manually on the options, but apart from that I think I am getting a good grip on how to use some of the features at this point.  I know I will have to do a bit of investigation because I'm on a laptop with some of the features, but apart from that I fee ready to progress onwards.


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