
Showing posts from December 8, 2019

Character Design: Client Project Test

For this lesson we were each assigned grouped and asked to complete a client based task to create a character, concept and prop set all while adapting to realistic prompts and deadlines the client might request. For mine, me and my group were assigned to create a character based off the Tv show Troll Hunters: Tales of Arcadia, so I was assigned the hero archetype and came up with a female hero, whom like Jim Lake from the show is given the power of an amulet and tased with helping out the trolls when she eventually comes into her royal heritage and power. I imagined her to be very strong, but also very reluctant, so gave her a hero type figure, with the square shoulders and stop legs while also trying to not make her look traditionally feminine, as I was also working alongside to parallel her against her villain character, whom we tried to keep as opposing as possible, so for my character I tried to keep her looking androgynous and feminine at the same time. We...

Life Drawing


Collaboration: Reflective Statement

Overall, for the project itself I feel that the outcome came out very well and I’m happy with what we made in the end. I liked how we curated and placed the world within the story and I think overall it worked to support the theme of the talent show, despite the fact I was also worried that the concept would over run the initial prompt of “failed or forgotten superhero’s”, but I'm happy that overall it didn’t provide and issue and that we were able to make the project into something different from what the prompt suggested.  The way we organised the project overall, was because we were a pair we decided that by dividing up the children and their skits as  it would be more suited than just giving each other a scene, that way we would have more control over how we wanted the skits to look and if the project was too long of if we needed to make any last minute changes, we could do that without up hauling the entire project or impacting each others work. This did end up worki...

Collaboration: Final Animations


Collaboration: Magneto Update (With NCloth)


Collaboration: Characters Animation Update (Bean Sprout and Juliette)


Collaboration: Bean Sprout Test Animations


Collaboration: Juliette Animation Start

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Collaboration: Magneto Animation Starts and Improvements
