
Showing posts from March 3, 2019

Soundscape: More Sounds

(00:00-00:07)                                                                (00:08-00:14) (00:15-00:22)                                                                                 (00:23-00:34) (00:35-00:46) Before the deadline I decided to collect a few more sounds just to tweak some of them, especially image 2 which I am struggling the most with. To improve image 2, I decided to go out and buy some feathers, because my other attempt to find replacement sounds were not working because the objects sounded too thick, so I bought a feather boa and recorded sounds from the full thing and the small feathers th...

Maya: to After Effects


Maya Lip Sync: Movement


SoundScape: Sound Collection 02

(00:00-00:10)                                                               (00:11-00:18)                                                                      (00:19-00:23) For these sounds I decided to go outside and try and find some sounds for my second image. I tried to look at plants in particular because the sounds of leaves I thought would be light enough to re-produce the light sounds I'm looking for, unfortunately I found some of the sounds to either be too thick and rubbery for the audio or the background noise to be too dominate in the recording that I couldn't hear a lot of the sounds, I think I will try and incorporate some of the bir...

Maya: Creature Modelling

Today in class we modelled an egg shaped creature with Simon. It was an interesting lesson trying to create the creature from scratch and then model the intricate details within the creature to make it match the image, while also not warping it especially with the eye being a different model. We are doing to get the feet done and the teeth to make it more realistic, but I think this will defiantly help me with modelling for Fantastic Voyage and thinking about accentuating character design.

SoundScape: Sound Collection 02

(00:00-00:21)                                                   (00:23-00:36)  (00:38-00:50)                                                       (00:51-1:05) Some more sounds I found recently. I have been trying to concentrate more on image two as it's the image I have the less confidence in and also the one that I have collected the less sounds for. I have been struggling with it because of the light feathers so I have been struggling to find a sound that can fit it and suit the electric sound so I was hoping to find, so I might just use the cushion sounds and try and add an electric effect on Adobe Audition to make it more otherworldly. But I also want to try and collect some more lighter sounds, maybe leaves...