
Showing posts from February 17, 2019

Character Design: Storyboard Practice

 For this character design workshop we got to have an experiment with storyboarding as well as some last minute character design using Jetpack Jones. For the storyboarding we were assigned a location and put into groups, so for my one we were located in cyberpunk New York and had to one with a side character being tormented by the villain, so to show the location we opened up with a zoom into the Statue for Liberty where the tormenting is going on and then have the side kick escape the villain by jumping off the statue. I felt this exercise was helpful and I learned a lot about how to compose shots and save time for progressing onto my animatic.

Life Drawing 12


Life Drawing 11


Script to Screen: Crit Presentation


Script to Screen: Pre-Viz Set Designs

This is the opening shot for my Pre-Viz of the prison, I copied the design straight from my story board while trying to keep the black and white tone consistent with the rest of the set, so I decided to make the prison a dark grey to portray a more looming and dark side of the story (and also to suit Prison 048, dark grey colour). For a lot of my set I decided to keep them as basic as possible with cubes and panels to design them.  This second scene is the prison food hall and where I had to start importing in one of the model figures for scale, as I needed to design the hall to be a big presence in the scene and enough to hold a few of the model figures. I only added in the tables and the doors on the lower floor as they are the only important parts within the scene.  Next is the hallway scene, for this I needed to find a way to fit in the prison room and insert the peek holes into the door so I could place the camera within it. incase the camera doesn't wor...