
Showing posts from May 12, 2019

The Blair Witch Project and Found Footage Review

The Wicker Man Review

Fantastic Voyage: How We Got Here Art Of

Reflective Statement

Fantastic Voyage: Reflective Statement

Compared to the other projects I can defiantly say this is the one I struggled with the most and the one I think I have also grown more from as well. I think a lot of my problems started after the Pitch, when I had to try and re start my story, while also trying to keep up with the rest of the class and the deadline, this was also a problem as with most of my other projects I feel I didn't fully grasp the full amount of work I had to do, until I was too deep into it, which came around the Easter holidays when I had no Animatic and realised that I didn't have time to produce a Pre-Viz if I wanted to get some of the finished product animated and rendered on time. At that point I decided, from my experience from my Script to Screen project that I would run with the workload I felt I could achieve to the highest of my ability, rather than scramble to pull together the full animation which I'm very happy I did because currently I'm still happy with the animation I made and a...

Life Drawing Portfolio 2018/19

Life Drawing Reflective Statement  

Life Drawing Reflective Statement

Although I have done life drawing in the past, I feel I have become more relaxed doing it in this past year. Starting off in September I was already confident with doing life drawing from a fine art standpoint, so I used charcoal and tried to stick with the techniques I learned from those classes which I feel worked well to draw realistically, but didn't show off my style as much as I would have liked. Near the end I feel that I have shifted to being more relaxed, using a sketchbook and drawing more in my own style I feel has allowed me to grow and develop more comfortably and see how I have developed in my own style rather than just trying to stick closely to the rules I got taught in fine art classes. From my work I wish that I would of have experimented more with different materials, as I became a bit too safe using a pencil and white paper and would of have liked to use more inks, paints and colours in general to express more in my work, but I am very happy with how a lot of th...

2D Animation Reflective Statement

Although I think this was the weakest element from the lessons I still feel like I have grown a lot from learning 2D animation and timing animation to create an effective piece. Compared to Maya, I feel that I struggled with 2D Animation due to time, as I didn't put as much care into my animation due to my focus around other work in the course, which is why I'm not as happy with the work as I wish I was and if I had more time I would of have loved to spend more time perfecting my pieces and make them look nicer so I could learn more from them. Learning the walk cycle and squash and stretch was very helpful when working on some of my other projects in Maya and especially in Fantastic Voyage when I decided to do rigging and skinning, I feel that I understand more about timing and paying more attention to the smaller aspects of movement when animating, as well as when lip syncing to adapt the moments to the situation and the conversation to make it feel more realistic. I think I w...

ToolKit Reflective Statement

From the start of the year until now I can defiantly say I feel more confident using MAYA, especially around modelling and deciding to do things more on my own terms and adapt the advice given to me on modelling onto my own projects. I had never used a software like MAYA when I got to CAA in September so I was very apprehensive using it and designing different things on my own, so I struggled making the lego car and followed the MAYA tutorials very strictly incase I made any mistakes, I think it was only until the barn and after What If? Metropolis that I started to feel more confident about what I was doing and felt I could do some of the tasks on my own without as much apprehension as before and now after finishing Fantastic Voyage I feel more comfortable with Maya and designing objects without as much advice form the videos, although I still feel I have a long way to go. The tutorials defiantly came I handy with Fantastic Voyage, especially because I was relaying on them to learn Sk...

MAYA Tool Kit Master List 2018/19

Intro to Autodesk MAYA  Lego Car Modelling  Lego Car Colouring  Lego Car Animation Lego Car After Effects   Lego Van After Effects  Modelling 01: Digital Sets  Coop Modelling   Barn Modelling Set Layout Finished Coop  Pre-Visualisation 101 Panning Shot  Roll Shot  Pitch Shot Crane Shot Dolly Shot  Distance Shot   Contra Zoom  Camera Shake Coverage  Animation 101 Animation Principles in 3D Secondary Action and Overlap   Squash and Stretch Mushroom and Ball Using a Basic Character Rig  Motion Paths  MEL Scripting  KeyFrame (Bouncing Ball) Dynamic Simulation to Keys   Anticipation and Follow Through  Modelling 02: Organic/Hard Surface Modelling Head and Eye Modelling Legs and Tongue  UV  Scooter  Lighting With Arnold  Sampling/ Ray Depth/ Maya Lighting In Arnold and Light Fi...

Organic Modelling: UV Planar


2019 Year 01 2D Animation Show-Reel

Reflective Statement