Script to Screen: Pre-Viz Set Designs

This is the opening shot for my Pre-Viz of the prison, I copied the design straight from my story board while trying to keep the black and white tone consistent with the rest of the set, so I decided to make the prison a dark grey to portray a more looming and dark side of the story (and also to suit Prison 048, dark grey colour). For a lot of my set I decided to keep them as basic as possible with cubes and panels to design them. 

This second scene is the prison food hall and where I had to start importing in one of the model figures for scale, as I needed to design the hall to be a big presence in the scene and enough to hold a few of the model figures. I only added in the tables and the doors on the lower floor as they are the only important parts within the scene. 

Next is the hallway scene, for this I needed to find a way to fit in the prison room and insert the peek holes into the door so I could place the camera within it. incase the camera doesn't work out, I also planned to remove the door and edit it in after effects, but from cutting a hole in the door and the wall, I can still see the figure through the hole with the perspective camera, so hopefully it should work. I also placed some lights within the scene to see if I can create the lights switching off within Maya rather than editing them in later.

The doctors office, like the bathroom I tried to keep small and simple, I think this room changes the most from the story board layout, I as I had to incorporate items that appear in some of the shots, while also making it feel small enough to feel realistic within the prison. 

 The bathroom has the most detail within it as it where the prop, the microscope comes into play. I plan on when shooting it, because I use the mirror so much for some of the shots, to mirror the room, remove the fake mirror and film it there and see how some of the shots play out within there, rather then editing it in after effects, as I think it would make the scene more realistic.
Lastly is the sets for the workout montages, I just made them as basic as I could, but might include some images for the walls to make the sets easily to tell apart as the black and white tone makes it tricky. I don't plan on having too much detail, as they only appear for a short amount of time and don't play a pivotal role in the story, unlike the rest.


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