Fantastic Voyage: Finch 01 Skinning Update 03

After some feedback for my skinning I have decided to start again with it on all my models, using instead the first skinning method as it is more precise with the weight diving than using the brush. So far I have manage to divide up the weight for my tortoise and one of my Finch models, which I plan on finishing beforehand so I can get advice more progressing further with the skinning to make the other three models a lot faster. I like how it has turned out, especially since I have just divided up the weight my the joints it has already erased a lot of the issued I have before such as the tail feathers moving along with the feet on all my Finch models and the middle of my tortoise moving with the legs when I animated them. I still need to divide the weights up more priestly in the component editor, but I think I should be able to get it done a lot faster than before and move on as soon as possible.


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