Premise: Animated Shorts Inspiration Mood-board and List 01

List of Animations used in these Mood-board's.

"Alter-Ego" by Kuba Gryglicki 

To continue to get a better idea about what I want to do for my Premise project, I decided create some mood boards based on the animated shorts provided to me, as well as some others that I liked through the UCA main blog. This list contains the animations I liked from the animated short DVD provided to me, which ranged from 2007-2011. The main thing I found I took away from watching these was how to construct a story in a short amount of time, and how details around the set and on the character can be used as shorthand to help tell a story to the audience, as well as interesting ways to use light and space to help tell the story, such as in shorts like "90 Degrees" and "Yankee Gal" where I found the interesting usage of light and the style appealing, and how the lack or minor amount of dialogue didn't take away from the story, and that there are ways to tell and interesting, personal story without it. 

Because of my initial ideas for my project, I was also drawn more towards the black and white shorts and the ones that had more of a focus on one characters internal struggles / issues, and I thought it would help me shape my own story, with my personal favourite being "Coach" and "Salma". "Coach" I was drawn to by the opening sequence, which managed to portray a characters career, down fall and current situation through panning shots and news reels, while also putting us directly within the story without the audience feeling lost or confused, I also liked the mixture of comedy and the dark tone and felt it worked well within the story and how the film used projections around the character to show the past and present. 

"Salma" I liked because of its black and white colour scheme, and how it sparingly used colour to show the desperation / threat of the story without using dialogue. The usage of colour and the image of the bomb and how it was re-used within the story I liked and feel that element might be com thing I could use within my animated short as I want to try and incorporate colour into my story as well.

All the animated shorts I have hyperlinked in the list (accept for Alter-ego, that I cannot find a video for online for). 


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