Premise Animatic Update: Seventh Edit

 Animatic With New Opening 

Animatic with No New Opening 

After spending some time away from my project, I finally decided to re-vist it with a fresh new outlook and to edit some of the issues I was having with it. I first decided to change the opening, which I felt didn't work very well within the original animatic, and I wanted something that highlighted the isolation as well as the light that plays a big part in the story. I also re-wrote and cut out sections in the middle, to try and shorten the animatic because I felt that it was dragging to long, and I could condense the story a bit more and still have the same effect. 

Unformatuntly, despite me doing this, I don't seem to have made any time difference, despite taking out and editing a large portion of the middle of the story, so I am going to have to be a bit more brutal and get some advice for what to do next, as the story is still too long. However, of the two versions I have uploaded here, the first one is the one that has my new opening, but because of the zoom in and build up, it makes the video even longer so I am torn on if I should keep it or not, because at this point I do think it works well within the story. 


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