Premise: 3D Light Practise 01

3D Light Model

Light Design 

Light Edit with Point Light

Light Exposure Increased 

Three Point Lights

Spotlight Only 

Spotlight and Pointlight 

I have started experimenting with creating an effective portable light in Maya. I managed to model the glass cover and the base using a cylinder and a sphere polygon primitive and just looking at the model alone I am happy with what it looks like, however I am having issues trying to get the light itself to look the way I want. For this I have tried experimenting on my own, tweaking a few of the light and the glass settings to get the light to come through and I ma happy with how the glass and the light look, especially on the warm tone which is what I want from this and looking at it I feel it does portray a portable light effectively.

The first few renders I just wanted to experiment with seeing how the glass appeared on its own and how strong the light was, then when I was happy with the strength I decided to add a base to see how the light would affect the portable light on the surface. The one at this point I feel I am most liking is using three point lights, because I feel it gives off the strongest effect while not overpowering the scene too much. To make this I am taking into consideration that in the story the light needs to be strong enough to reach across the room, but also end up being small enough that it ends up only covering Drew while they are walking through a large, black space, so using the three point lights I feel I can have the stronger light at the beginning, and then gradually reduce or get rid of the other lights as the story progresses.

I think next I am going to experimenting with specular more on the glass and tweak a few effects on the light. I have also gone back and looked at a few videos on the lighting and rendering section of the tutorials website, but I am going to keep looking there to see if I can learn anything else. Finally, I have modelled the room in 3D space as well, so I want to see if I can bring it in and experiment with the different light strengths there.


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