Character Design: Astronauts Continuation

Continuing on with my characters I am still trying to distinguish their outfits and body shapes for the Astronaut and the Cosmonaut, and so have decided at this point that I might achieve this by using more harsher shapes of the Cosmonauts and straying away from real Cosmonaut suit designs to help make their uniforms more distinguishable from a distance. At this point I do feel I am slowing down with the characters and although I will keep on designing them, it might not happen until the Christmas time so I can focus on other projects as I feel I'm not getting where I want to go with them and I want to take a step back and think about what I'm doing so the design choices I make for them feel more meaningful, as at this point I feel m going round in circles and doing extra work that could be achieved if I'm more invested in designing them.


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