Jetpack Jones: Finishing Rough Blocking

Continued on with making Jetpack Jones and finished the Rough blocking videos where I had to make room for the mouth, eyes and try and make the face resemble the orthograph's as best I could. The last two videos I think I have done okay in, although I still need to clean up my geometry a bit more before I move into the eye video, as I think they could be a bit more neater and flow with the face a bit better. So far I am fairy confident with how the model is turning out, accept for in the fourth image I have put up on this post as I struggled with getting the edge loop (the one thats highlighted) on the face, as it wouldn't connect the whole way around and so I deiced to make the line myself using the cut tool and try and make it look as neat as possible, but because of this error I think I will also get the model looked at before I continue as I'm worried that the issue might be a problem later on down the line.


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