Script to Screen: Mind Maps

 I had the most fun planning this, but I did have some trouble deciding what to do with the microscope and I feel I would like a few more suggestions however I already have some ideas formed from doing this and feel confident enough to plan out a plot and story from using these. The prison I feel is the most flexible feature and the one I might mess with more in the story because it could be used metaphorically rather than the microscope which I feel some people might not know what it looks like. The bodybuilder I might play it safe and make it male so it fits the archetype better but play with what visually is a bodybuilder within the story to make it more interesting.


  1. Hey Odin, God of Thunder... just me chipping in as inspired by your various maps above! My first impression here is that you've almost got somekind of Marvel-esque origin story here: it's common that men in prison spend a lot of time working out, so there you've got this immediate fit between your environment and your character; it's also a trope of superhero origin stories that a person is experimented on (sometimes against their will, sometimes as part of an undisclosed plan by 'them') - and what that those experiments ultimately result in some kind of super-power. Indeed, I'm pretty sure this is the origin story for Luke Cage!

    But... in terms of 'body-builders' I did think straight away of animals famous for their size-to-strength ratio - so ants/termites sprang to mind, and the idea that your story takes place on a microscopic level somehow?

    There's a classic structure here maybe of rivals - so two body-builders vying for some kind of strongest man competition - and how, in their respective efforts to win/cheat, things get more and more out of hand... ending up with someone/both of them going to jail...

    & this is a wild card; but the microscope again got me thinking about your story taking place at the cellular level, and I thought about 'stem cells' as being literal 'body-builders' - this is an animation after all... so maybe you could go in this sort of direction...


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