Character Design: Introduction, Sizes, Shapes and Traits.

For this workshop we got introduced to character shapes and types, looking at how basic design can show how the audience perceives the character and how its personality can show compared to the other characters, so circles are usually reserved for happy, soft characters and side kicks while triangles are for dangerous, deviant characters like villains. I had a lot of fun designing and experimenting with the shapes and characters, and this workshop has helped a lot with my style as I wish my drawing was more diverse and expressive and now I know how to achieve it a bit more. 

I got assigned a lawyer to experiment with different shapes and I like how there personalities shine through even though I draw them without thinking too much, which I feel is the way to go in designing characters for me at the start, because my style loosens up a bit more and I don't worry about proportions as much as I usually do which I think makes my drawings stale and safe.


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