Invisible Cities: Online Greenlight Review


  1. OGR 05/10/2018

    Hey Odette - so, Moriana... this is one the cities that Calvino describes the most in terms of materials, styles of architecture and also 'allegory' - and I'm going to suggest you look again at some of that imagery he provides and how it sits with some of the references on your influence maps: there's something not very 'monumental masonry' about Calvino's descriptions - rather he refers to glass structures and coral-like structures and 'serpentine' - - and 'medusa' (more snakes) and slippery, silvery dancing girls etc. This world feels decorative and sensual, augmented with ornament and the female form... isn't Moriana a bit more of this...?

    I'm not saying 'You've got it wrong' - I'm suggesting that Calvino is giving you some quite strong coding in terms of his language - there's an implied emphasis on female energy, a sort of dangerous allure (I don't think the 'Medusa' reference is an accident of his pen) - and then you've got the idea of Moriana's other face - a sort of glimpse behind the curtain. I'm just going to link you to Ksavera's OGR feedback, as she's also exploring Moriana and I think some of the stuff there might be helpful to you too:

    Moriana feels a bit like this to me...

    It lures you in and then it destroys you: it reminds me too of the concept of the Fin de siècle - that period of time wherein the arts and bohemia flourished, but there was a decadence and decay at work underneath:ècle.

    My instincts are that you need to enhance your 'light/dark' idea to make better use of some of the stuff Calvino is giving you - and just do a bit thinking about the messaging of Moriana. Just in terms of its materiality, its described as something more ethereal and translucent (and mirage-y) than those solid, classical temples etc. Like I said, Moriana has a whiff of the angler-fish about its silvery, seductive charms...


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