Jetpack Jones: Creating a Turnaround and Static Shots

Finished the turn arounds and the poses for the model, I will try and get the demo reel and the final rendered shots done, but at this point I think it will be at a later date so I can focus more on finishing other elements of Toolkit 02. Looking at these turn arounds and having a chance to move and key in the character I am happy and also feel that this model does need a lot fo work, but I cannot say that I am displeased with the fact that I have finished this.

I am aware of how rushed this looks and some of those choices have come into the way the model acts when posing as well as provided some issues with corrective blend shaping and of course the fact the model is unable to blink. I do wish that the model didn't do that, but I am also happy that I got to put all of these issues onto this model as a practise, rather than onto my final third year model. I do feel that this has been a very big learning experience, both in terms of modelling and creating a model, while furthermore being a good look into time and my own time management when trying to create a model, and now I feel that I have a better grasp on the time it will take during my third year to create the models for my own project. I am also happy that I managed to complete this doing the term time, rather than it bleeding into the summer, so I could try and manage the project around other work and see what elements I need to spend more time on, and what I could be a little faster on.

If I could change anything I probably would have spent more time on the modelling as that has brought up the most problems, especially around the face as it is the thing that is separating my model from the rest visually, while another would be more time spent checking elements on the model as I go, such as the Uv's and the weighting on the rigging portion of the tutorials as that also caused a few issues while compleating the model. But overall, for a first competed model I am happy with how it has turned out and I am pleased that I managed to finish it to this degree as well.


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