Jetpack Jones: Cleaning Up the Scene

After looking over some of my files after finishing this process, I fell that I can move forward onto the texturing, but need to get a few things checked over to be sure. One of the issues I am having is regarding the full body moment using the control key at the bottom, as whenever I move with the blend-shapes for the cap, brows and strap on, they separate from the rest of the body, but I need them to be on to have the face move properly when I use the brows, so I am going to do some investigation to figure it out, but apart from that I feel confident enough to finally progress onto texturing.

Edit Note: I discussed the issues and found that the problem was that when creating the blend shape it had to be under the skin-cluster node, and then I had to switch off the inherit transforms on the Geo group and the Misc group in the Do Not Touch Folder.


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