Character Design: Spirited Away and Tin Toys

For this lesson we got given another set of prompts and looked at style and environment and how they help influence the characters as well as how they fit within their stories. For my prompt I was given the film Spirited Away, and was told to design a character that could fit in the world, so I looked at and copied a few of the films characters to get a feel for how they worked and their style played into the film, and the character I eventually designed was a wealth spirit, with the mask being a Japanese Hyottoko mask that represents wealth that I decided would be suitable as a lot of the other spirits within the film have different Japanese style masks and designs. We then were told to turn a character from our designated film into the prompt on the second section of our sheet, with mine being tin toys, I decided to turn the reddish spirit from the film into a clumsy looking tin toy, adding a key to the top of his head and adding metal poles to his limbs to make him look more like a stocky children's toy.


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