2000 Words Contexts OGR


  1. OGR 02/03/2019

    Hi Odette - look, hand on heart - you need to make a choice. Even as I read your structure I could feel my attention being pulled in two directions. Just pick one of those films and use it - not both; I can't see any real advantage in looking at the two films in a 2000 word assignment. It's an issue of emphasis and effectiveness (like telling a complete story in just two minutes) - right now, you are trying to discuss all of capitalism and all of Marxism in just one paragraph... and then you're off talking about two films. Proportionally, I think, if you're seriously going to deal with critiques of capitalism as manifested in High-Rise (or Snow-Piercer), then you need to think much more realistically about what the uninitiated reader needs from the first establishing 'act' of your assignment. It is not realistic to suggest that you'll be able to deal rigorously with the technical nuts and bolts of Capitalism and its Marxist critique in one paragraph. You will need to grow the ambition, scope and theoretical detail of this section, which means re-looking at your ambitions for the remainder of your assignment. I'd also get you think about the 'purpose' of comparing Ballard's book with the film version - it might be that the comparison further helps you elucidate Marxist ideas - but if it doesn't, ask yourself why you're doing it.

    Not unreasonably, the assessor will be expecting some direct quotes from Marx himself, so be sure you're using some of those foundational sources too in addition to your existing research.

    I think you need to look again at your question: High-Rise and Snow-Piercer are 'critiques' of Capitalism, not 'displays' of it - and if Marx's ideas are your 'toolkit' then shouldn't Marx feature in your question too?

    I really think - to clarify this assignment - you need to let go of something, Odette. I know you find this hard, but I don't think the parallel focus is going to help you dig into the level of theoretical detail required of you by the BIG IDEAS you're getting into here - and I think this really is a case of seeking to say more about less.


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