Is King Kong Colonialist?


  1. Hey Odette - wow - this is a long, in-depth response - which I hope comes from discovering some legitimate interest in the subject. You touch on some interesting stuff here and I like the way you interrogate the 'racism' of Kong and mount a support of the film above and beyond what we may find distasteful. Very obviously, you've got enough 'oomph' here for a first draft of your written assignment. I would say - more generally - that in terms of project management everything else, you might want to put your own limits around how much time you're giving these reviews. There's probably a sweet-spot here. Just in terms of your introduction, it's not quite there structurally in so much as you're introducing the film, and not the nuts and bolts of the review you've written. Take another look at the guidance from last week on myUCA/Contexts.

    The general point I want to make is to congratulate you on committing so whole-heartedly to this - but also ask you to reflect on the balance of your project-management to ensure you're workload is manageable and your energies sustainable.

  2. As Phil! Yes, you are indeed on your way to having your first essay drafted :)
    My only point would be that you could do with some more images to back up your discussion, especially as you are making frequent visual references - show us the islanders, for example!
    Good stuff !


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